Then I could just spam 1-4 from anywhere and that chard would execute whatever I had on my 1 key. 3 did 'focus window #3', send game keystroke '1', etc. 2 did 'focus window #2', send game keystroke '1'. Such that I had 1 that did 'focus window #1', send game keystroke '1'. I originally made my commands on multiple keys, 1 for each char. Blizz says only 1 command per keypress, and I'm doing 2 command, but the 1st of that happens outside the game - so I think I'm OK, but *shrugs* who knows.) (The 'legality' of this approach could be debated. So I'm executing 2 command with each keypress, but only 1 in-game command per keypress. WoW Open Box takes the alt+F1 part and changes the focus to window 1, then the game receives only the '1'. when I pressed '1', it would actually do 'alt+F1, 1'. So I tried the command to swap windows on the same key as the keypress going to the game client - e.g. I haven't tried this with PowerToys, but in Synapse you can combine multiple command on each key. ( How to remap keys using Windows 10 PowerToys Keyboard Manager - TechRepublic) You can do the same thing with any programable keyboard or some other 3rd party tools that let you remap your own keys. Razer's program that does this is called synapse. One benefit of the keypad is that I already use a 3rd party tool to map the keypad keys to something on my keyboard.
I use a razer tartarus pro, but its the same concept as the orbweaver, nostromo, etc.