Let´s see for example how to search peaks in our database. You can use the applicable commands to search 'structures', 'substructures', 'formulas', 'peaks', 'multiplets', 'Massitems', 'numbers', 'texts', etc': If your dataset is new in the database, you will only get a 'Save Complete' message and your dataset will be added to the database: During this procedure, Mnova will check the database to find similar spectra or molecules. If you want to add also the other objects, you will need to check the corresponding boxes or click on the 'All' button: Once you have done the selection just click on OK to save to the database. It will be really easy to add objects (spectra, molecules, etc.) to a database just open your Mnova document (containing for example a 1H-NMR spectrum, a molecule and some objects) and follow the menu 'Database/Save to Database' (or click on the applicable icon of the toolbar, highlighted in red in the picture below): After having selected 'Save to Database', you will get a new dialog box where you will see how the spectrum and the molecule are selected by default to be added to the database.
Find out how to do it or have a look at the Mnova DB plugin page. Fortunately this task has been greatly simplified since version 7.1.2. Before you start using Mnova DB you need to set up the DB Server.